
Stella lala 絲帶啦的日記 - 我在雪梨的農曆新年 下集 My Lunar New Year in Sydney Part 2 Lunar Lanterns

Stella lala 絲帶啦發現了今年農曆新年燈展,展示了絲帶啦老媽的最愛,驚喜到講話高分貝



還有一道會告訴Stella lala 絲帶啦今年好運是什麼的牆,很像去廟裡擲茭

影片Music: End of Summer by The 126ers ( Royalty Free)

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Stella lala 絲帶啦的Instagram - stellalaladiary
Stella lala 絲帶啦的Facebook - Stella Lala


Stella lala 絲帶啦的日記,獻給我在台灣的阿姊。 阿姊啊!醬子妳就可以有時看到偶了( 哈哈,偶超台)   我是個在澳洲工作一般的上班族,突然驚覺自己來澳洲這麼久了,卻不常跟我的阿姊和台灣的朋友分享什麼。今年新希望是要多分享我生活的點點滴滴,還有個人的碎嘴,所以跟那些時髦的年輕人學一下,用短片寫日記,讓自己之後七、八十歲,有粉多時間時也可以看一下,然後說:「偶年輕時也有自己的 vlog。*撥髮*」呵呵~ 啊~路人也歡迎喔!短片製作技術不是那麼專業,多多包涵啊!😁

Hi, Thank you for stopping by! Having been in Australia for a few years, I feel I have not really shared much about my life here with my folks in Taiwan. This year, I have decided to try out this "YouTube Vlogging method" as a way of diary keeping/ experience sharing on Youtube. The language in the channel is mainly Taiwanese Mandarin. You are more than welcome to find me on Facebook & Instagram if you would like to make friends :D  

Stella lala's Instagram - stellalaladiary
Stella lala's Facebook- Stella Lala


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